Part 38: It's Fall Or Something
It's Fall Or SomethingMusic: Monster Village

In the settlement we've definitely been kicked out of, it turns today is Ondorus' birthday! He's been (trying to be) helpful, so I guess he deserves a present.

Incidentally, Ondorus is going to give me the "if only we had something to move Kuruna..." bit every day I talk to him until I finish that bouquet. Peachy.

Then again, Kuruna won't even accept one of her loved gifts. This IS serious!

But not so serious I can't take a minute to make birthday juice for Ondorus.

Happy birthday, drink your juice.

There's fuckall I can do to advance the plot right now, so let's see what Pia's up to.

Might as well talk to the fam first.

Now that Link's in the proper mental state, let's talk to Pia.

Rated E for Everyone.

Pia's going to be waiting a while for that Charm Blue, since the flower shop only carries the seeds. What awkward timing.

Fall starts tomorrow, but I plant it in the fall dungeon just to get this done a day sooner.

Let's go on a date with Daria instead. To the surprise of no one, her favorite date spot is the rainbow in Oddward Valley.
Music: Love

As if there was any other choice here.

As opposed to flying on the ground?

Yeah, sure, farming. And crafting, and cooking, and pharmacy-ing, and forging, and mining, and fighting, and

Rated M for Mature.

And that's the end of that date.

Since I need to fish more anyway, now's as good of a time as any to show off Carlos' Resort.

So there's two main reasons you'd go here. One is that fish respawn a lot quicker than in normal fishing spots & have less room to wander in. The other is that you can request specific fish to catch...

...from a short list, with an additional fee. Unfortunately, the fish I really want(a lover snapper to keep going down Carmen's quest line) isn't an option, so I don't stock anything specific.

This is all-you-can fish once you enter, so if you were really trying to minmax things, you'd want to enter as soon as it opened.

I don't catch anything too notable.

But I do get plenty of fodder for grinding Cooking skill. I'm at the point where I'm gaining skill slower than I'm getting cooking bread, but fishing helps since basically everything can be fried or made into sashimi.
Music: Fall

Onward to fall! Incidentally, Link's birthday is on the 16th. The game automatically uses whatever birthday you set in the DS & translates it to the appropriate season.

Among all the other stuff I'm planting, I dig out these gold potato seeds from the flea market. Shiny produce will be mine.

Planting happens.

Raven quests happen.

Trolling Rusk happens.

On the way to Raven, I remember to pick up the plot brooch. Which is a dolphin for reasons known only to Gaius.

Or maybe just because it's cool.

It is every citizen's duty to help out Dwarf Dad.

Maybe Ninja Dwarf Dad needs different advice.
>Give her a present

Sadly there's no option to suggest Ironleaf to him instead. (He's into Evelyn, in case you forgot)

Music: Vale River

Horray, we finally got the world's least surprising revelation over with!

Phoenix Raven gets a new portrait, but only the one expression. Because bird and all.

Link is slightly slow on the uptake.

Raven is somehow even slower on the uptake. How do you not notice you shifted from human to giant bird?!

This scene would probably make more sense if I hadn't just done the "Link reveals he's half-monster, nobody in the village cares" thing.

Get with the program already!

Incidentally, this is where Link would have started the "I'm half monster" reveal if I hadn't done the reveal in the main plot yet.

How convenient that we couldn't understand that Wooly until after we resolved all this baggage.

Getting a little weird, Link.

Link, please, the technical term is tsundere and

Our prize is a thing that increases skill xp gain. I think I have one already, but it's the thought that counts.

I'm right here, so might as well get a Raven date out of the way.
Music: Love

Engaging troll engines.

OK, let's magically make that not happen and go with Yes instead.

I'll be showing all of these because the 'wrong' answers are both pretty great.

Alright, enough messing around.

Date end.

In more alarming news, Marian is falling for us. she calling Link ugly?
>All you need?

>A tennis score?

OK, let's get out of here before she gets any funny ideas.

She'll never find us on this island in the middle of the lake!

...that has nothing on it except this mysterious gate we can't open. Curious.

There was also a mysterious inaccessable island back in the forest. Thanks to the power of lilypad, Link can go there now!

This is a Very Bad Idea. We are 500% not meant to be here yet.

Presenting Crystal Mammoth.

It can one shot us. We're really, really not supposed to be here yet.

Luckily, the penalty for dying is basically a rounding error in Link's wallet. And our lilypad automagically warps into the clinic with us.

I think Link's earned his rest.